If we were to look at all of the world’s farmland, 1/3 of it is used to grow food that is never eaten.
In fact, more than a billion of tons of food will be discarded and hauled away to landfills this year.
Not only is this a huge drain on resources like water, land, energy, and time. Food waste also creates issues once it’s been discarded.
Discarded food, once it ends up in the landfill, will be buried and mixed with all of our other garbage. This leads to the food breaking down anaerobically (without oxygen) instead of aerobically (with oxygen) like it would naturally.
This decomposition without oxygen generates methane gas as a byproduct. The methane seeps out of the ground and into the atmosphere where it has over 20 times the global warming potential of CO2.
So, be conscious of what you’re buying at the store and consider an alternative to throwing your food scraps in the garbage, like starting your very own compost bin.